Error Codes

HTTP Status Codes

The Platform Management API v2 returns standard HTTP status codes in response to an API call.

HTTP Status CodeDescription
2xxSuccessful responses
4xxClient errors
5xxServer errors

Error Codes

When an error is detected with an API request, a standard response format is returned.

    "errors": [{
        "code": "error_code",
        "description": "Something went wrong."
    }, {
        "code": "error_code",
        "description": "Something else went wrong."
errors array[object]List of one or more identified errors detected within the API request

See: errors object

errors object

code stringStandardized error label

This label can be used by software to make determinations about how to respond to the error.
description stringHuman-readable explanation of the error

The following sections list the code and description returned for each possible error, organized by HTTP status code.


HTTP Status CodeCodeDescription
400(varies)An invalid JSON request body or payload has been provided as part of the API call

See: 400 Specific Errors
401unauthorizedThe provided authentication credentials are invalid.
403forbiddenThe requestor does not have permission to perform the request.
404not_foundThe requested resource could not be found.
405method_not_allowedThe provided method is not allowed on the targeted resource.
409conflictRequest conflicts with state of target resource.
422unprocessableThe provided request cannot be processed.
429rate_limit_exceededThe rate limit has been exceeded.

The Platform Management API v2 rate limit is 60 requests/minute per API token. Calls that exceed this rate will not be executed.

If your implementation exceeds this rate limit, contact our Support team. Our Support team can evaluate your implementation and provide options to address your requirements.

400 Specific Errors

The table lists all the error codes and description structures for 400 HTTP code responses. These errors provide feedback about how to correct the invalid JSON request body or payload. When multiple issues are present in the JSON request body or payload, the error response will include multiple error codes and descriptions.


The information in the Description column in the following table provides the general structure of the error response description. The details of the error response description are specific to each API route.

Error CodeDescription
emptyField 'x' cannot be empty.
invalid_formatField 'x' cannot "...y...". Value of 'z' was provided.
invalid_typeField 'x' must be of type 'y'. Value of 'z' was provided.
not_allowedField 'x' cannot be used with 'y'. Value of 'z' was provided.
requiredField 'x' is required.
resource_exhaustedYou cannot 'x' any more of 'y'. Value of 'z' was provided.
too_highField 'x' must be lower than 'y'. Value of 'z' was provided.
too_longField 'x' must be shorter than 'y' characters. Value of 'z' was provided.
too_lowField 'x' must be higher than 'y'. Value of 'z' was provided.
too_shortField 'x' must be longer than 'y'. Value of 'z' was provided.


HTTP Status CodeCodeDescription
500internal_server_errorAn unexpected internal server error occurred.
502bad_gatewayA dependent service returned an invalid response.
503service_unavailableA dependent service is temporarily unavailable.
504gateway_timeoutA dependent service timed out.