Developer Tools

Discover resources to test and implement feature for the Android SDK, iOS SDK, or web player

JWP provides the following tools to help you test and quickly incorporate products, features, and functionality into your Android SDK, iOS SDK, or web player implementation.


Use code examples to implement common features with the Android SDK, iOS SDK, and web player.

Web Player

Ad Tester
Debug your ad tags or test Web Player's video ad capabilities using our VAST MP4, VPAID 1, VPAID 2, and Google IMA sample tags.

Player Event Inspector v8
Test and debug your Web Player setup with our return of all available JW Player events, getters, and utils.

Stream Tester
Debug streams and test DRM functionality with the Web Player in HTML5 or Flash mode.

SDK Best Practice Apps

JW Player provides the following best practice applications to illustrate how to quickly implement features within the SDK.

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For more information, visit our Getting Started pages for Android and iOS.